Depot Snow

During the recent snowy weather here the roads iced over with an inch of gropple. Ain’t too many vehicles getting around town on this day. The trains, however, were running like always. Don’t really matter too much anyway because there aren’t any passenger trains running through Huntsville.

If you want to take an AmTrak, you gotta go to Birmingham. (At least I think they still run to Birmingham.) It’s a funny thing to me why they don’t run a line from Birmingham to Huntsville to Nashville. Seems like that would get some good business. Once on AmTrak you can go just about anywhere in the US. Of course, you could go in your car or ride a bike too.

Public transportation does have it’s advantages though. Once you arrive in a major city for site seeing, it’s often better if you can leave your own vehicle behind and walk or ride the subway. Times they are a changing in more ways than one. In Huntsville Greyhound doesn’t have as many options as they used to either. On the other hand, with the electric vehicle revolution it seems to me public transportation will be expanding sometime in the future.

©2024 – Jim Casey

Updated: February 13, 2024 — 8:32 pm